CEMA was pleased that its guests and liaisons actively participated in meeting deliberations, and each gave suggestions and offered comments on the topic being discussed at the time they arrived. Farberman, APR, Executive Director, APA Public and Member Communications Office Ronald Palomares, PhD, APA Practice Directorate Ellen Garrison, PhD, APA Executive Office Lori Valencia-Greene, MS, Deehan “Day” Williams Al-Mohamed, JD, and Daniel Dawes, JD, APA PID-GRO Janet Soller, PhD, APA Office of Publications and Databases and Everitt Hamilton and Myra Dandridge of Octane, LLC. Keita, PhD, Executive Director, Public Interest Directorate Rhea K. Dass-Brailsford, EdD, APA Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) Peter Lichtenberg, PhD, APA Committee on Aging (CONA) Rachael Casas, MA, APAGS/CEMA, and Amina Mohmoomad, BA, APAGS Cheryl Shigaki, PhD, APA Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology (CDIP) Norman B. Mario Marquez, PhD, APA Committee on Rural Health (CRH) Priscilla P.

Vera, PhD, Board of Convention Affairs (BCA) E. Vazquez, PhD, Douglas Haldeman, PhD, Carol Goodheart, EdD, and Barry Anton, PhD Josephine Johnson, PhD, APA Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice (CAPP) Elizabeth M. Cervantes also attended the meeting of the APA Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice (CAPP).ĬEMA welcomed the attendance of liaisons at its meetings, Allan Noonan, MD (CEMA's parent board, the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest - BAPPI) Desiree Byrd, PhD (Division 40) Cheryll Rothery-Jackson, PsyD (NCSPP liaison to BAPPI and CEMA), as well as other notable guests: Sharon Stephens Brehm, PhD, 2007 APA President Alan Kazdin, PhD, 2007 APA President-elect APA Board of Directors members Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, Melba J.T. Cervantes, PhD, attended the fall 2007 meeting of CEMA’s parent board, the APA Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest (BAPPI) to represented CEMA’s issues and concerns. The APA Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) convened two meetings during the 2007 calendar year (March 23-25, and September 28-30).